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Locked Topic $100[SUPER REQ] YABB to HTML (Read 15272 times)
Dave Baughman
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Reply #15 - Feb 22nd, 2002 at 5:37am
Just my two cents...

Static HTML pages would be faster. I don't care if you don't agree, cause you're just wrong, trust me. Wink If you aren't having to load a page and query data up through a script and just have static pages, without going into a lot of server load and bandwidth and processing mumbo jumbo, it's fairly easy to see that less steps == more speed, especially when you aren't calling a million of YaBB's processes just to load a page. It wouldn't kill the server, that's for sure.
I'd do it for a 100 bucks. Course, I did everything I ever did for free, so 100 bucks would just be icing on the cake. Of course, I don't do that kind of stuff anymore. Wink
While I can't give you names off the top of my head of boards the make static html output, I can tell you that most run quite fast, and it is VERY nice to have them searched by the spiders. However, I doubt something like that will get done for YaBB. Seen it asked for before, and still have yet to see anyone do it (of course, we said the same thing about a PHP port for a long time, and low and behold, we have YaBB SE now).

- Dave

I'm not sure if it's ignorance or apathy, but I don't know and I don't care.
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Reply #16 - Feb 22nd, 2002 at 7:35am
Nother 2cents Grin, if I can remember what I've read corectly then a static html page would be blaxing fast and take up nill comparativly as far as bandwidth, that and it would speed up your server in a majr way (every time a user is viewing your board there is a new instance of your board run, meaning that if you've got 50 mb of ram and 25 users on your board then your server's toast {imagine running it on a free server with other boards running! OUCH!}).

Looks like there's work yet to be done...

Pitty, never even made it past YaBB 1 SP1.1
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Reply #17 - Feb 22nd, 2002 at 9:45am
Wow, this thread took off while I wasn't looking!!!

Michael wrote on Feb 21st, 2002 at 10:41pm:
It gets harder as you talk. How would you be able to tell if the page should be a redirection? And why?

I don't know much about how to manipulate stuff in yabb but here is my spec of a 'quick and dirty' way to get static html pages that would let every search engine index every word on your site.

Version 1
Define an archive directory like 'yabb\archive'
Every message thread has an ID.

Scan through all the message IDs in the database.
For every message ID, read in the template and output an html page with the message ID as the name of the page.

I'm not sure how tight the code is for the the number of messages per page. So if required, output an html page for every 20 (or whatever) messages and add the start message number to the name of the html page.

Leave everything else exactly the same. Do no extra work!

So all the links from the static html page will take the user back to the dynamic up to date yabb board.

This fulfils the requirement for getting any search engine to find all the text from your site.

So If the message database is 10MB. The archive directory will be greater than 10Mb because it will include all the extra code from the template for each static html page produced as well as the message data. Just note that this mod will double your disk space requirements!

So ... I know some parts are tricky but someone must know how to do it! I suppose whether they have the time though is another matter  Grin

Version 2
Lots more ideas but I'm sure if version 1 is done, other people will chip in with ideas  Grin
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Reply #18 - Feb 22nd, 2002 at 12:34pm
Just my two cents...

Static HTML pages would be faster. I don't care if you don't agree, cause you're just wrong, trust me. Wink If you aren't having to load a page and query data up through a script and just have static pages, without going into a lot of server load and bandwidth and processing mumbo jumbo, it's fairly easy to see that less steps == more speed

I see your point, but I don't see how it would improve boards that get lots of posts. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems to me that everytime somebody posts, a new html page would have to be generated for the reply screen and for the message index. More file writes = more steps = hella less speed. I'm just not seeing it, sorry.

And I do so hate it when people come straight out and tell everyone that if they disagree, they're most definitely wrong. You may be right and you may not feel like spending time to convince disbelievers, but have some civility. I doubt that you'd like it if someone responded to an argument of yours with "I don't care what you think about it, you're wrong."

I'd do it for a 100 bucks. Course, I did everything I ever did for free, so 100 bucks would just be icing on the cake. Of course, I don't do that kind of stuff anymore. Wink

Uh-huh, you'd do it for a hundred bucks, but you won't. Sure thing.

While I can't give you names off the top of my head of boards the make static html output, I can tell you that most run quite fast, and it is VERY nice to have them searched by the spiders.

If you happen to remember some, would you drop a link? I'd like to see them.

However, I doubt something like that will get done for YaBB. Seen it asked for before, and still have yet to see anyone do it

Any idea why it hasn't been done yet, if it's such an improvement?

This fulfils the requirement for getting any search engine to find all the text from your site.

As we said, search engines seem to index YaBBs very well.

~ Michael ~
The MikeCam
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Dave Baughman
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Reply #19 - Feb 22nd, 2002 at 3:07pm
First, please excuse the disagreement statement. That came off a bit snobby, which wasnt intentional (hence the "wink", but people don't seem to pay attention to winks anymore).

You wouldnt need a new html page generated for posts screens and the message index. Those are only needed while the user is replying and browsing, so those are always going to be created dynamically as it is... there's no reason to have a reply screen indexed. A message index, yes, possibly, but even if you wanted to make it as an html, it would take next to nothing. You dont need to write the whole file, even (which is what YaBB currently does). You can use some good ole seek and tell. The fact that YaBB doesnt do this already is a major factor keeping down the speed.

It actually DID do this at some time, but when I left the SP development team, no one had the knowledge or foresight to see that it really needed to be done. Here's an example:

Current writing routine:
Select All
if($threadid eq '') {
		$newthreadid = time;
		if (-e "$datadir/$newthreadid.txt") {
			while (-e "$datadir/$newthreadid$i.txt") { ++$i; }
	else { $newthreadid = ''; }

	fopen(FILE, "$boardsdir/$currentboard.txt") || &fatal_error("209 $txt{'106'}: $txt{'23'} $boardsdir/$currentboard.txt");
	@messages = <FILE>;

	if($newthreadid) {
		# This is a new thread. Save it.
		fopen(FILE, ">$boardsdir/$currentboard.txt", 1) || &fatal_error("210 $txt{'106'}: $txt{'23'} $currentboard.txt");
		print FILE qq~$newthreadid|$subject|$name|$email|$date|0|$username|$icon|0\n~;
		print FILE @messages;
		fopen(FILE, ">$datadir/$newthreadid.txt") || &fatal_error("$txt{'23'} $newthreadid.txt");
		print FILE \n~;
		$mreplies = 0;
	} else {
		# This is an old thread. Save it.
		($mnum, $msub, $mname, $memail, $mdate, $mreplies, $musername, $micon, $mstate) = split(/\|/,$yyThreadLine);
		if( $mstate == 1 ) { &fatal_error($txt{'90'}); }
		$messages[$yyThreadPosition] = '';
		fopen(FILE, ">$boardsdir/$currentboard.txt", 1) || &fatal_error("211 $txt{'106'}: $txt{'23'} $currentboard.txt");
		print FILE qq~$mnum|$msub|$mname|$memail|$date|$mreplies|$musername|$micon|$mstate\n~;
		print FILE @messages;
		fopen(FILE, ">>$datadir/$threadid.txt") || &fatal_error("212 $txt{'106'}: $txt{'23'} $threadid.txt");
		print FILE \n~;

The problem with that is that the board files are opened each time someone posts, completely erased, and completely rewritten. If you've got 10,000 threads in a board, well, that has to get erased and rewritten every time. Not exactly a speedy feature.

Here's the new routine that got excluded out of the SP after I stopped developing it because the other developers didnt know how the code worked (and for some reason wouldnt take the time to learn, but that's another story all together):
Select All
if($threadid eq '') {
		$newthreadid = time;
		if (-e "$datadir/$newthreadid.txt") {
			while (-e "$datadir/$newthreadid$i.txt") { ++$i; }
	else { $newthreadid = ''; }

	if($newthreadid) {
		# This is a new thread. Save it.
		fopen(FILE, "+<$boardsdir/$currentboard.txt") || &fatal_error("210 $txt{'106'}: $txt{'23'} $currentboard.txt");
		seek FILE, 0, 0;
		fopen(TEMP, "+>$boardsdir/$currentboard.txt.temp") || &fatal_error("209 $txt{'106'}: $txt{'23'} $boardsdir/$currentboard.txt.temp");
		while( read(FILE,$buffer,1024) ) {
			print TEMP $buffer;
		seek TEMP, 0, 0;
		truncate FILE, 0;
		seek FILE, 0, 0;
		print FILE qq~$newthreadid|$subject|$name|$email|$date|0|$username|$icon|0\n~;
		while( read(TEMP,$buffer,1024) ) {
			print FILE $buffer;
		if (-e "$boardsdir/$currentboard.txt.temp") { unlink("$boardsdir/$currentboard.txt.temp"); }
		fopen(FILE, ">$datadir/$newthreadid.txt") || &fatal_error("$txt{'23'} $newthreadid.txt");
		print FILE \n~;
		$mreplies = 0;
	} else {
		# This is an old thread. Save it.
		($mnum, $msub, $mname, $memail, $mdate, $mreplies, $musername, $micon, $mstate) = split(/\|/,$yyThreadLine);
		if( $mstate == 1 ) { &fatal_error($txt{'90'}); }
		fopen(FILE, "+<$boardsdir/$currentboard.txt") || &fatal_error("211 $txt{'106'}: $txt{'23'} $currentboard.txt");
		seek FILE, 0, 0;
		fopen(TEMP, "+>$boardsdir/$currentboard.txt.temp") || &fatal_error("209 $txt{'106'}: $txt{'23'} $boardsdir/$currentboard.txt.temp");
		seek TEMP, 0, 0;
		while( read(FILE,$buffer,1024) ) {
			print TEMP $buffer;
		truncate FILE, 0;
		seek FILE, 0, 0;
		print FILE qq~$mnum|$msub|$mname|$memail|$date|$mreplies|$musername|$micon|$mstate\n~;
		seek TEMP, 0, 0;
		my $new_count = 0;
		while( $line = <TEMP> ) {
			unless($new_count == $yyThreadPosition) { print FILE $line; }
		if (-e "$boardsdir/$currentboard.txt.temp") { unlink("$boardsdir/$currentboard.txt.temp"); }
		fopen(FILE, ">>$datadir/$threadid.txt") || &fatal_error("212 $txt{'106'}: $txt{'23'} $threadid.txt");
		print FILE \n~;

What does this do, you ask? It frees up memory immensely by not reading 10,000 lines of the board file into one single array, and it writes only one line into the file from the form information inputted, then grabs all the other info back out of a temp file where it was stored to avoid clogging RAM. This fix was mainly because people were losing entire boards when the arrays would get dropped for being too big, but it also improved speed. What was REALLY nice was all the other files I had it in, but after I left I never bothered finishing them. ModifyMessage was especially cool, though one writing bug in it still has me puzzled, Maybe someday..... Wink

But anywho, most pages except the actual messages themselves will be dynamically created... post screens, notifcation screens, modify messages... anything that's not an actual message. And you wouldnt need to write the entire html file over when you posted or modified... just need to write over the part that was changed, which can be done using the same commands and methods in the ocde posted above.

And I would do it for $100 if I still coded. If someone payed me $100 to put out file attaching, I gaurantee it'd be done by the end of the week. Wink Unfortunately, maintaining has proved to be a full time job (literally). But hey, it pays way better than training at a restaurant, and I've scored about $400 worth of free hockey tickets since I've been working there. Perks are fun. =)

As far as why hasn't static html be done if it's such an improvement? Because the developers for YaBB took the easy way on stuff for a long time, and much of it was coded quite poorly after we went back and looked at it. Gold was a rough release, and looking through SP, I honestly don't see many big significant changes. Making YaBB into a PHP/MySQL version was a big improvement on speed and the like, too, but it took nearly a year to get people together to actually do it. And YaBB2, running on a Perl/MySQL backend... well, that's a huge improvement as far as write and reading and ease of change go, but yet again, still not done. Most of the devs left that project when Peter did. I havent seen the code for the new version being started. My only hope is that the modules for it are decent... the previous ones were pretty amazing, but they arent being used now.

As far as board systems that generate HTML pages, I know Discus does (a fairly popular PERL BB). Most PHP ones aren't going to, because the whole advantage of using php is the ease of SQL integration. A few of the other forums I've come across that generate html pages are ASP and CFM boards. You can always look around through the CGI Resource index to contrast and compare.

So hopefully that explains myself a little better. And don't think I'm dogging on YaBB, because I love. But having worked extensively on a rewrite of it, I know where some of the flaws are or where improvements can be made at some point, and I'm not timid to admit it. I've had my share of being yelled at for code bugs with the rest of 'em, that's for sure.

- Dave


I'm not sure if it's ignorance or apathy, but I don't know and I don't care.
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Reply #20 - Feb 22nd, 2002 at 3:31pm
First, please excuse the disagreement statement. That came off a bit snobby, which wasnt intentional (hence the "wink", but people don't seem to pay attention to winks anymore).

Even with the wink it came off a bit snobby, but that's just me. Sorry for reacting badly. Undecided

But anywho, most pages except the actual messages themselves will be dynamically created... post screens, notifcation screens, modify messages... anything that's not an actual message.

Okay, it had sounded to me like this fellow had wanted nearly everything generated to HTML, which I thought was kind funky and definitely be a hog, regardless. Wouldn't the reply screen need to be generated too, though, since they display the topic summary? As you said, though, all you'd need to do is seek to the point of addition and tack on the new message...

But hey, it pays way better than training at a restaurant, and I've scored about $400 worth of free hockey tickets since I've been working there. Perks are fun. =)

Sounds nice, I hope my projects turn out as well as your job sounds like it's turning out. Smiley

I havent seen the code for the new version being started.

People are working on this and that. The team seems kinda small and disorganized at the moment.

My only hope is that the modules for it are decent... the previous ones were pretty amazing, but they arent being used now.

With any luck... We'll see.

I know where some of the flaws are or where improvements can be made at some point, and I'm not timid to admit it. I've had my share of being yelled at for code bugs with the rest of 'em, that's for sure.

Will we be able to look to you for comments on the development, then? I don't know what your status is with regard to having access to the current development code/communications/proceedings, but it seems to me your comments on the Y2 project as it develops would be invaluable, if you have the time.

~ Michael ~
The MikeCam
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Dave Baughman
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Reply #21 - Feb 22nd, 2002 at 3:45pm
Quite alright. =)

No, the reply page still wouldnt need to be a static html page, because there is no need for it to be indexed. It would work just about how it works now, except it would read things out of a neatly formatted html file instead of a txt file. Once the reply was made, then the html files would be getting written, naturally.

YaBB2 was ALWAYS small and dirorganized. Wink That's just the programming world for you.

As far as my comments on the development of Y2, well, I don't know. I was on the dev team with Peter, but I had a lot of issues to take care of and then he left as well. Corey asked me to join the current Y2 team, but I wouldn't do it, partly for conflicts of interest and partly because Corey and I just don't work well together.

I kinda phased out of the community as a whole, but I like to come back here and put in my two cents and bug people enough to get them thinking harder. My whole goal here is to get everyone better at PERL, not just making mods. =) So I've been trying to pop back in and spice up life a little every now and then with my witty and sometimes mildly pushy jargon. Wink

I'm late for work, but I'll pop back by again later and see how things are going. =)

- Dave

I'm not sure if it's ignorance or apathy, but I don't know and I don't care.
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Reply #22 - Feb 22nd, 2002 at 3:55pm
No, the reply page still wouldnt need to be a static html page, because there is no need for it to be indexed.

Heh, I thought we were talking about speed now, not just indexing. Tongue

YaBB2 was ALWAYS small and dirorganized. Wink That's just the programming world for you.

I haven't done much in the way of team projects, but I guess I'm finding out. Wink

Corey asked me to join the current Y2 team, but I wouldn't do it, partly for conflicts of interest and partly because Corey and I just don't work well together.

Well, I'm just saying that your comments would probably be very helpful. You know, just take a look and write up a post or two and let the team take your comments as it will. I'd do my best to make sure your points were well considered, although I don't exactly have much clout. Roll Eyes

I kinda phased out of the community as a whole, but I like to come back here and put in my two cents and bug people enough to get them thinking harder.

That's always good. It's easy to get mired into doing things the way they've been done before. I had never even considered just modifying parts of files instead of rewriting the whole darn thing like YaBB does every time. YaBB's method got too ingrained into me.

I'll pop back by again later and see how things are going. =)

Great, see you around.

~ Michael ~
The MikeCam
A truly wise man never plays leapfrog with a unicorn.
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Reply #23 - Feb 22nd, 2002 at 4:55pm
Hello Guys.

Lets take a look at the facts:
Sometimes this BoardMod YABB runs VERY SLOW, I dont know how the people take it with dial-up accounts cause I have cable.

NO, evrything shold not static, thats ku ku.
What part is needed to become static hml only the POSTS.

Guys I read all the ideas that you were dicussing and Dave knows what he is talking about.

About re-writing the file when you make a new post. Can we place special tag so we appeal instead of rewrite the whole .html file ONly when we modify the message then we have to rewrite the file, but that is a super task. I dont know about that. I guess whe still have to keep the post data in text format.

I know my sugesstions might be nothing for you guys but, i am just trying to make my self clear.

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Reply #24 - Feb 22nd, 2002 at 6:04pm
paulpma wrote on Feb 22nd, 2002 at 4:55pm:
Sometimes this BoardMod YABB runs VERY SLOW, I dont know how the people take it with dial-up accounts cause I have cable.

It's about the same for everyone. It's just a question of the server being under a lot of stress, and thus slow. It's specific to BoardMod, though. If you visit's YaBB, it's nice and fast, as is my own YaBB. Anyways, I thought you were worried about search engine indexing? If you want a really fast board, you should probably go to PHP/MySQL, like phpBB or YaBB SE.

NO, evrything shold not static, thats ku ku. What part is needed to become static hml only the POSTS.

Ku ku, I like that. Grin Sorry, I didn't understand from your explanation before that you were talking only about posts.

Guys I read all the ideas that you were dicussing and Dave knows what he is talking about.

Oh good, the expert opinion from the self-proclaimed non-programmer, lmao.

About re-writing the file when you make a new post. Can we place special tag so we appeal instead of rewrite the whole .html file ONly when we modify the message then we have to rewrite the file, but that is a super task.

I'm not sure what exactly you're saying, but that sounds like the same thing Dave said - the html file is only opened and edited when someone posts a new reply or modifies their post.


Ergh, I use too many quotes, don't I? Undecided

~ Michael ~
The MikeCam
A truly wise man never plays leapfrog with a unicorn.
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Reply #25 - Feb 23rd, 2002 at 4:13am
Hello Peeps

michael, yes you do use a lot of quets. Ok let get to YABB.

I was thinking of it over from Yabb programmers view point what has to be done to convert yabb so it would have .htm threads.

Yabb makes a topic <-dynamic part no problem,
1.) fist tread just create one .htm life ( i say just, but i know there is still a lot of work behind it)

2.) To reply to a tread the YaBB has to scan the file, somehow find out where to add new tread (we can use similar procedure like in Template.htm files to use those tags to add post), and then print new file to .htm

3)Modify the post. Now thats the killer. When we click on "modify" the url has to carry some value X. they Yabb would scan the post file find those those tags with value X, the beginning and the end. I DONT KNOW WHAT CAN WE DO WITH HTML code, has to be stripped or something. If we can do that then we are all set for this part.  Press SAVE then YABB will rewrite the .html file with new tags so we can use them later.

Thats a rough idea how this can or cannot be done. One more thing about the taggs, they have to be comments in .html cacuse other ones would.... you know what they will do.

Please let me know, I know this is really hard to do, but Life is hard too.....


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Dave Baughman
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Reply #26 - Feb 23rd, 2002 at 5:17am
Michael wrote on Feb 22nd, 2002 at 6:04pm:
Oh good, the expert opinion from the self-proclaimed non-programmer, lmao.

Hey now, that's EX programmer, not NON. Wink From somewho who coded on Y1F, Y1G, lead part of the dev on SP1, and coded on YSE, I wouldn't say NON programmer. Plus I put out a couple of mods from time to time. Grin Wink

I'm not sure if it's ignorance or apathy, but I don't know and I don't care.
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$.02 Advice: add metaTAGs to your YABB
Reply #27 - Feb 23rd, 2002 at 8:47am

Send Dave that $99.98.  He's already earned it!

In the meantime, for the balance I'll give you two cents of advice:

There's no problem getting a YaBB board indexed by Google and Yahoo if you do the work.  I get dozens of hits from Google every day, lots and lots of topical ones, and even stupid ones from daffy searches like "How to Hack YaBB" and "YaBB chat," and usernames.  Not bad when you consider that my board's about bonsai trees.

Here are some suggestions.  Take what you will:

1) I just ran over to your site.  You'll never get indexed until you get your metatags going.  Description, keywords, robots... you know the drill.  THEN, submit your site.  Install the Advanced Template mod so you can create a specific metatags for every board on your site.

2) You need content.  Some serious text.  The search engines love text and you need to sit down and write some articles or whatever and post them to your boards.  Write some common problems and answers, even if you have to create them yourself.  You're not going to get indexed, nor will you see a lot of repeat traffic with only five threads.

3) Another problem is the board descriptions need to be very specific.  If you want to capture traffic on General PC problems, list the most common ones in your board description.  The board descriptions and titles are your big opportunity to use and re-use the words you've targeted in your metatags.  

Right now, you have:

General PC Troubles.
If you have a trouble with computers, post it here and someone will help you with your problem.

How about something a little more search engine friendly?:

Computer Help!
Get answers for common computer problems. Fast, free responses on technical issues, support requests and computer tips.

4) Try to make your keywords specific.  Limit the scope of what you're doing.

Evrything about Computers

is a bit broad, and typos don't help!

5) If you like, go create yourself a static html page and submit that to the search engines, include with it links to all of your boards.

In summary:
  • Metatags
  • Content
  • Submit!

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    Re: $100[SUPER REQ] YABB to HTML
    Reply #28 - Feb 23rd, 2002 at 2:01pm
    Hey now, that's EX programmer, not NON. Wink From somewho who coded on Y1F, Y1G, lead part of the dev on SP1, and coded on YSE, I wouldn't say NON programmer. Plus I put out a couple of mods from time to time. Grin Wink

    Ach, you took that all wrong. Cripes, I know you've done PLENTY of programming, so you'd have to do a lot of work to actually become a non-programmer. That comment from me was directed at Paul's comment about "Dave knows what he is talking about." I agree completely, but I just found that pretty dern funny coming from someone who had just declared that he is "kida dum with real programming."

    And Paul STILL hasn't responded to the comments about Google indexing YaBBs very well, instead continuing to be set about making YaBB generate static HTML pages. I hope he's not so rude as to ignore Memobug's very nice suggestions.

    ~ Michael ~
    The MikeCam
    A truly wise man never plays leapfrog with a unicorn.
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    Dave Baughman
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    Re: $100[SUPER REQ] YABB to HTML
    Reply #29 - Feb 23rd, 2002 at 3:26pm
    Ahhh... now I get it. Wink Either way, I probably would've still razzed you, just cause I was in the mood. =)

    On a second note, they did blood work on me yesterday. Woo-hoo. So whatever I have, it isn't strep and it isn't mono. That's good, except they still don't know exactly what's wrong. Best they can come up with is tonsilitis. All I know is, it hurts like hell and I can't swallow or talk. So they gave me a Z-Pak of Zithromax. Hopefully that'll clear things up. I'd prefer a swift kick to the groin over all this crap in the back of my mouth and throat. Ugh.

    I'm not sure if it's ignorance or apathy, but I don't know and I don't care.
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