############################################################################### # Post.pl # ############################################################################### # YaBB: Yet another Bulletin Board # # Open-Source Community Software for Webmasters # # Version: YaBB 2.1 # # Released: November 8, 2005 # # Distributed by: http://www.yabbforum.com # # =========================================================================== # # Copyright (c) 2000-2005 YaBB (www.yabbforum.com) - All Rights Reserved. # # Software by: The YaBB Development Team # # with assistance from the YaBB community. # # Sponsored by: Xnull Internet Media, Inc. - http://www.ximinc.com # # Your source for web hosting, web design, and domains. # ############################################################################### $postplver = 'YaBB 2.1 $Revision: 1.18 $'; if ($action eq 'detailedversion') { return 1; } LoadLanguage("Post"); LoadLanguage("Display"); LoadLanguage("FA"); LoadLanguage("AdminCenter_Update"); if (-e "$vardir/acup_dim.txt") { require "$vardir/acup_dim.txt"; } require "$sourcedir/Notify.pl"; require "$sourcedir/Palette.pl"; sub Post { if ($iamguest && $enable_guestposting == 0) { &fatal_error($post_txt{'165'}); } if ($currentboard eq '') { &fatal_error($post_txt{'1'}); } my ($filetype_info, $filesize_info); my ($subtitle, $x, $mnum, $msub, $mname, $memail, $mdate, $mreplies, $musername, $micon, $mstate, $msubject, $mattach, $mip, $mmessage, $mns, $quotestart, $notify); my $quotemsg = $INFO{'quote'}; $threadid = $INFO{'num'}; ($mnum, $msub, $mname, $memail, $mdate, $mreplies, $musername, $micon, $mstate) = split(/\|/, $yyThreadLine); if ($mstate =~ /l/i) { &fatal_error($post_txt{'90'}); } if ($mstate =~ /a/i && !$iamadmin && !$iamgmod) { &fatal_error($post_txt{'1'}); } # Determine category $curcat = ${$uid.$currentboard}{'cat'}; &BoardTotals("load", $currentboard); # Figure out the name of the category unless ($mloaded == 1) { require "$boardsdir/forum.master"; } ($cat, $catperms) = split(/\|/, $catinfo{"$curcat"}); &ToChars($cat); $pollthread = 0; $postthread = 0; $INFO{'title'} =~ tr/+/ /; if ($INFO{'title'} eq 'CreatePoll') { $pollthread = 1; $t_title = "$post_polltxt{'1a'}"; } elsif ($INFO{'title'} eq 'AddPoll') { $pollthread = 2; $t_title = "$post_polltxt{'2a'}"; } elsif ($INFO{'title'} eq 'PostReply') { $postthread = 2; $t_title = "$display_txt{'116'}"; } else { $postthread = 1; $t_title = "$post_txt{'33'}"; } if ($pollthread == 2 && $useraddpoll == 0) { &fatal_error($post_txt{'1'}); } if ($postthread == 2 && $username ne "Guest") { $j = 0; @tmprepliers = (); for ($i = 0; $i < @repliers; $i++) { chomp $repliers[$i]; ($reptime, $repuser, $isreplying) = split(/\|/, $repliers[$i]); $outtime = $date - $reptime; if ($outtime > 600) { next; } elsif ($repuser eq $username) { $tmprepliers[$j] = qq~$date|$repuser|1~; $isrep = 1; } else { $tmprepliers[$j] = qq~$reptime|$repuser|$isreplying~; } $j++; } if (!$isrep) { $thisreplier = qq~$date|$username|1~; push(@tmprepliers, $thisreplier); } @repliers = @tmprepliers; &MessageTotals("update", $curnum); } $name_field = $realname eq '' ? qq~ $post_txt{'68'}: ~ : qq~~; $email_field = $realemail eq '' ? qq~ $post_txt{'69'}: ~ : qq~~; $sub = ""; $settofield = "subject"; if ($threadid ne '') { fopen(FILE, "$datadir/$threadid.txt") || &fatal_error("201 $post_txt{'106'}: $post_txt{'23'} $threadid.txt", 1); @messages = ; fclose(FILE); if ($quotemsg ne '') { ($msubject, $mname, $memail, $mdate, $musername, $micon, $mattach, $mip, $mmessage, $mns) = split(/\|/, $messages[$quotemsg]); $message = $mmessage; $message =~ s~
~\n~ig; $message =~ s~
~\n~g; $message =~ s/ \  \  \ /\t/ig; if (!$nestedquotes) { $message =~ s~\n{0,1}\[quote([^\]]*)\](.*?)\[/quote\]\n{0,1}~\n~isg; $message =~ s~\n*\[/*quote([^\]]*)\]\n*~~ig; } $mname ||= $musername || $post_txt{'470'}; $quotestart = int($quotemsg / $maxmessagedisplay) * $maxmessagedisplay; $message = qq~[quote author=$mname link=$threadid/$quotestart#$quotemsg date=$mdate\]$message\[/quote\]\n~; $msubject =~ s/\bre:\s+//ig; if ($mns eq "NS") { $nscheck = "checked"; } } else { ($msubject, $mname, $memail, $mdate, $musername, $micon, $mattach, $mip, $mmessage, $mns) = split(/\|/, $messages[0]); $msubject =~ s/\bre:\s+//ig; } $sub = "Re: $msubject"; $settofield = "message"; } $submittxt = "$post_txt{'105'}"; $destination = "post2"; $icon = "xx"; $is_preview = 0; $post = "post"; $prevmain = ""; $preview = "preview"; $yytitle = "$t_title"; &Postpage; if ($pollthread != 2) { &doshowthread; } &template; exit; } sub Postpage { my $extra; my ($filetype_info, $filesize_info, $extensions); $extensions = join(" ", @ext); $filetype_info = $checkext == 1 ? qq~$fatxt{'2'} $extensions~ : qq~$fatxt{'2'} $fatxt{'4'}~; $filesize_info = $limit != 0 ? qq~$fatxt{'3'} $limit KB~ : qq~$fatxt{'3'} $fatxt{'5'}~; if ($is_preview) { $post_txt{'507'} = $post_txt{'771'}; } $normalquot = $post_txt{'599'}; $simpelquot = $post_txt{'601'}; $simpelcode = $post_txt{'602'}; $edittext = $post_txt{'603'}; if (!$fontsizemax) { $fontsizemax = 72; } if (!$fontsizemin) { $fontsizemin = 6; } $message =~ s~<\/~\<\;/~isg; &ToChars($message); &ToChars($sub); # this defines what the top area of the post box will look like: option 1 ) IM area # option 2) all other post areas if ($post eq "imsend") { if (!$INFO{'to'}) { $INFO{'to'} = $FORM{'to'}; } if ($INFO{'to'}) { $settofield = "message"; } else { $settofield = "to"; } $idinfo = "$INFO{'id'}"; $extra = qq~ $post_txt{'150'} $post_txt{'748'} ~; } else { $extra = qq~ $post_txt{'71'}: ~; if ($realname eq '' && $threadid ne '') { $settofield = "name"; } } # this shows on every post page. regardless of where it is called from $yymain .= qq~ ~; $notify = ""; $hasnotify = ""; if ($pollthread && $iamguest) { $guest_vote = 1; } if ($pollthread == 2) { $settofield = "question"; } else { # this defines if the notify on reply is shown or not. if (!$enable_notification || $iamguest) { $notification = ""; } else { # check if you are already being notified and if so we check the checkbox. # if the mail file exists then we have to check it otherwise we continue on $notifytext = qq~$post_txt{'750'}~; if (-e "$datadir/$threadid.mail") { &ManageThreadNotify("load", $threadid); if (exists $thethread{$username}) { $notify = qq~ checked="checked"~; $hasnotify = 1; } undef %thethread; } if (-e "$boardsdir/$currentboard.mail") { &ManageBoardNotify("load", $currentboard); if (exists $theboard{$username}) { ($memlang, $memtype, $memview) = split(/\|/, $theboard{$username}); if ($memtype == 2) { $notify = qq~ disabled="disabled" checked="checked"~; $hasnotify = 1; $notifytext = qq~$post_txt{'132'}~; } } undef %theboard; } if ($post ne "imsend") { $notification = qq~ $post_txt{'131'}: $notifytext ~; } } } if (!$sub) { $subtitle = "$post_txt{'33'}"; } else { $subtitle = "$sub"; } # this is shown every post page except the IM area. unless ($post eq "imsend") { if ($threadid) { $threadlink = qq~$subtitle~; } else { $threadlink = "$subtitle"; } &ToChars($boardname); &ToChars($cat); $yymain .= qq~
$mbname » $cat » $boardname » $t_title ( $threadlink )
~; } #this is the end of the upper area of the post page. $yymain .= qq~ ~; # if this is an IM from the admin or to groups declare where it goes. if ($INFO{'adminim'} || $INFO{'action'} eq "imgroups") { $yymain .= qq~
~; } else { if($curnum) { $thecurboard = qq~num=$curnum\;action=$destination~; } else { $thecurboard = qq~board=$currentboard\;action=$destination~; } if (&AccessCheck($currentboard, 4) eq "granted" && $allowattach && ${$uid.$currentboard}{'attperms'} == 1) { $yymain .= qq~~; } else { $yymain .= qq~~; } } # this declares the beginning of the UBBC section $yymain .= qq~ $prevmain
~; if ($post ne "imsend") { $iammod = 0; if (scalar keys %moderators > 0) { while ($_ = each(%moderators)) { if ($username eq $_) { $iammod = 1; } } } if (scalar keys %moderatorgroups > 0) { &LoadUser($username); while ($_ = each(%moderatorgroups)) { if (${$uid.$username}{'position'} eq $_) { $iammod = 1; } foreach $memberaddgroups (split(/\, /, ${$uid.$username}{'addgroups'})) { chomp $memberaddgroups; if ($memberaddgroups eq $_) { $iammod = 1; last; } } } } $template_viewers = ""; $topviewers = 0; if ($postthread == 2 && $showtopicrepliers && (($iamadmin || $iamgmod || $iammod) && $sessionvalid == 1)) { foreach $thisreplier (@repliers) { chomp $thisreplier; (undef, $mrepuser, $misreplying) = split(/\|/, $thisreplier); if ($misreplying) { &LoadUser($mrepuser); $template_viewers .= qq~$link{$mrepuser}, ~; $topviewers++; } } $template_viewers =~ s/\, \Z/\./; if ($template_viewers) { $yymain .= qq~ ~; } } } $yymain .= qq~
$display_txt{'646'} ($topviewers): $template_viewers
~; if ($pollthread) { $maxpq ||= 60; $maxpo ||= 50; $maxpc ||= 0; $numpolloptions ||= 8; $vote_limit ||= 0; if ($guest_vote) { $gvchecked = " checked"; } if ($hide_results) { $hrchecked = " checked"; } if ($multi_choice) { $mcchecked = " checked"; } $yymain .= qq~ ~; for (my $i = 1; $i <= $numpolloptions; $i++) { $yymain .= qq~ ~; } if ($maxpc > 0) { $yymain .= qq~ ~; } $yymain .= qq~ ~; } if ($pollthread != 2) { $yymain .= qq~ ~; } if ($pollthread != 2 || ($pollthread == 2 && $iamguest)) { if ($pollthread == 2) { $extra = ""; } else { $yymain .= qq~ ~; } $yymain .= qq~ $name_field $email_field $extra ~; } if ($pollthread != 2) { # if not adding a poll to an existing thread, display standard post page inputs # this is for the topic status options for admin, gmods and mods $topicstatus_row = ""; $stselect = ""; $lcselect = ""; $hdselect = ""; $threadclass = 'thread'; if ($postthread == 2) { ($mnum, $msub, $mname, $memail, $mdate, $mreplies, $musername, $micon, $mstate) = split(/\|/, $yyThreadLine); $thestatus = $mstate; if ($mreplies >= $VeryHotTopic) { $threadclass = 'veryhotthread'; } elsif ($mreplies >= $HotTopic) { $threadclass = 'hotthread'; } } else { $thestatus = $FORM{'topicstatus'}; $thestatus =~ s/\, //g; } if ($thestatus =~ /s/) { $stselect = qq~selected="selected"~; } if ($thestatus =~ /l/) { $lcselect = qq~selected="selected"~; } if ($thestatus =~ /h/) { $hdselect = qq~selected="selected"~; } $hidestatus = ""; if ($currentboard ne $annboard && $post ne "imsend" && (($iamadmin || $iamgmod || $iammod) && $sessionvalid == 1)) { $yymain .= qq~ ~; } else { $hidestatus = qq~~; } } if ($enable_ubbc && $showyabbcbutt) { # this is for the ubbc buttons $yymain .= qq~ ~; } else { $yymain .= qq~ ~; } $yymain .= qq~ ~; # File Attachment's Browse Box Code if (&AccessCheck($currentboard, 4) eq "granted") { if ($allowattach == 1 && ${$uid.$currentboard}{'attperms'} == 1 && $fa_ok == 1 && ($action eq 'post' || $action eq 'post2' || $action eq 'modify' || $action eq 'modify2') && (($allowguestattach == 0 && !$iamguest) || $allowguestattach == 1)) { $selnewatt = qq~ "~; } ############ #Multiple FA, Norfolklights.com ############ if ($action ne 'modify' && $action ne 'modify2') { for ($y=1;$y<=$globalimagecount;$y++) { $yymain .= qq~~; } } $yymain .= qq~~; ############ #Multiple FA, Norfolklights.com ############ if ($action eq 'modify' || $action eq 'modify2'){ @files = split(/[\,]/, $isatt); for ($y=1;$y<=$globalimagecount;$y++) { if ($y <= $#files+1) { $selectAttached = qq~ onchange="selectNewattach($y);"~;; } else { $selectAttached = ""; } $yymain .= qq~~; } else { $yymain .= qq~~; } } $yymain .= qq~~; } #####END##### if (($is_preview == 1) && $FORM{'file1'}) { $yymain .= qq~ ~; } } # /File Attachment's Browse Box Code $yymain .= qq~ $notification $lastmod ~; #these are the buttons to submit $yymain .= qq~
  $post_polltxt{'7'} $i:  
$post_polltxt{'32'} $post_polltxt{'54'}
$post_polltxt{'26'} $post_polltxt{'55'}
$post_polltxt{'58'} $post_polltxt{'56'}
$post_polltxt{'60'} $post_polltxt{'61'}
$npf_txt{'01'} $npf_txt{'04'}
$post_txt{'252'}: ~; $button_area_width = $button_area_width . "px"; $button_area_width2 = $button_area_width - 95; $button_area_width2 = $button_area_width2 . "px"; $yymain .= qq~
~; &Palette("post"); $yymain .= qq~
$post_txt{'297'}: ~; if (($showadded == 3 && $showsmdir ne 2) || ($showsmdir eq 3 && $showadded ne 2)) { $yymain .= qq~ $post_smiltxt{'1'} ~; } $yymain .= qq~

~; if ($showadded eq 2 || $showsmdir eq 2) { $yymain .= qq~ ~; } # this is the message area. if (!${$uid.$username}{'postlayout'} || ${$uid.$username}{'postlayout'} >= 100) { $pwidth = 90; } else { $pwidth = ${$uid.$username}{'postlayout'}; } $yymain .= qq~
~; $message_height = $message_height . "px"; if($message_width ne '$pwidth') { $message_width = $message_width . "px"; } else { $message_width = $pwidth; } $yymain .= qq~
$fatxt{'6'} $y:
$fatxt{'6'} $y: ~; if (($files[$y-1]) && (-e ("$uploaddir/$files[$y-1]"))) { if ($files[$y-1] ne "") { $oldattcheck = qq~selected="selected"~; $newattcheck = qq~~; $atistxt = qq~$fatxt{'40'}: $files[$y-1]~; } else { $newattcheck = qq~selected="selected"~; $oldattcheck = qq~~; $atistxt = ""; } $yymain .= qq~  $atistxt



$hidestatus $post_txt{'329'}
~; unless ($pollthread == 2) { $yymain .= qq~ ~; } unless ($is_preview) { $yymain .= qq~ ~; } $yymain .= qq~
~; unless ($pollthread == 2) { if ($currentboard ne $annboard && $post ne "imsend" && (($iamadmin || $iamgmod || $iammod) && $sessionvalid == 1)) { $yymain .= qq~ ~; } if ($action eq "modify" || $action eq "modify2") { $displayname = qq~$mename~; } else { $displayname = ${$uid.$username}{'realname'}; } require "$templatesdir/$usedisplay/Display.template"; $yymain .= qq~ ~; } } sub Preview { &clear_temp; my $error = $_[0]; &ToHTML($e); # allows the following HTML-tags in error messages:
$error =~ s/<br( \/)>/
/ig; $error =~ s/<(\/?)b>/<$1b>/ig; $poll_question = $FORM{'question'}; $maxpq ||= 60; $maxpo ||= 50; $maxpc ||= 0; $numpolloptions ||= 8; $vote_limit ||= 0; for (my $i = 1; $i <= $numpolloptions; $i++) { $options[$i] = $FORM{"option$i"}; $options[$i] =~ s/&/&/g; $options[$i] =~ s/"/"/g; $options[$i] =~ s/<//g; &FromChars($options[$i]); $convertstr = $options[$i]; $convertcut = $maxpo; &CountChars; $options[$i] = $convertstr; $options[$i] =~ s/"/"/g; $options[$i] =~ s//>/g; &ToChars($options[$i]); } $guest_vote = $FORM{'guest_vote'}; $hide_results = $FORM{'hide_results'}; $multi_choice = $FORM{'multi_choice'}; $poll_comment = $FORM{'poll_comment'}; $vote_limit = $FORM{'vote_limit'}; $pollthread = $FORM{'pollthread'} || 0; $poll_question =~ s/&/&/g; $poll_question =~ s/"/"/g; $poll_question =~ s/<//g; &FromChars($poll_question); $convertstr = $poll_question; $convertcut = $maxpq; &CountChars; $poll_question = $convertstr; $poll_question =~ s/"/"/g; $poll_question =~ s//>/g; &ToChars($poll_question); $name = $FORM{'name'}; $email = $FORM{'email'}; $sub = $FORM{'subject'}; $FORM{'message'} =~ s~\r~~g; $mess = $FORM{'message'}; $message = $FORM{'message'}; $icon = $FORM{'icon'}; $ns = $FORM{'ns'}; $threadid = $FORM{'threadid'}; $notify = $FORM{'notify'}; $postid = $FORM{'postid'}; if (!$sub && $pollthread != 2) { $error = $post_txt{'77'}; } $sub =~ s/[\r\n]//g; my $testsub = $sub; $testsub =~ s/\ //g; $testsub =~ s/ //g; $sub =~ s/&/&/g; $sub =~ s/"/"/g; $sub =~ s/<//g; &FromChars($sub); $convertstr = $sub; $convertcut = 50; &CountChars; $sub = $convertstr; $sub =~ s/"/"/g; $sub =~ s//>/g; my $testmessage = $mess; $testmessage =~ s/[\r\n\ ]//g; $testmessage =~ s/\ //g; $testmessage =~ s~\[table\].*?\[tr\].*?\[td\]~~g; $testmessage =~ s~\[/td\].*?\[/tr\].*?\[/table\]~~g; $testmessage =~ s/\[.*?\]//g; if ($testmessage eq "" && $mess ne "" && $pollthread != 2) { fatal_error("$maintxt{'2'} $testmessage"); } $message =~ s/\cM//g; $message =~ s~\[([^\]]{0,30})\n([^\]]{0,30})\]~\[$1$2\]~g; $message =~ s~\[/([^\]]{0,30})\n([^\]]{0,30})\]~\[/$1$2\]~g; # $message =~ s~(\w+://[^<>\s\n\"\]\[]+)\n([^<>\s\n\"\]\[]+)~$1$2~g; &FromChars($message); &ToHTML($message); $message =~ s/\t/ \  \  \ /g; $message =~ s/\n/
/g; $message =~ s/([\000-\x09\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x7f])/\x0d/g; &CheckIcon; if ($icon eq "xx") { $ic1 = " selected=\"selected\" "; } elsif ($icon eq "thumbup") { $ic2 = " selected=\"selected\" "; } elsif ($icon eq "thumbdown") { $ic3 = " selected=\"selected\" "; } elsif ($icon eq "exclamation") { $ic4 = " selected=\"selected\" "; } elsif ($icon eq "question") { $ic5 = " selected=\"selected\" "; } elsif ($icon eq "lamp") { $ic6 = " selected=\"selected\" "; } elsif ($icon eq "smiley") { $ic7 = " selected=\"selected\" "; } elsif ($icon eq "angry") { $ic8 = " selected=\"selected\" "; } elsif ($icon eq "cheesy") { $ic9 = " selected=\"selected\" "; } elsif ($icon eq "grin") { $ic10 = " selected=\"selected\" "; } elsif ($icon eq "sad") { $ic11 = " selected=\"selected\" "; } elsif ($icon eq "wink") { $ic12 = " selected=\"selected\" "; } $name_field = $realname eq '' ? qq~ $post_txt{'68'}: ~ : qq~~; $email_field = $realemail eq '' ? qq~ $post_txt{'69'}: ~ : qq~~; if ($FORM{'notify'} eq "x") { $notify = qq~ checked="checked"~; } if ($FORM{'ns'} eq 'NS') { $nscheck = qq~ checked="checked"~; } if ($iamguest) { $name .= "($post_txt{'772'})"; } &wrap; if ($action eq "modify2") { $displayname = qq~$FORM{'mename'}~; } else { $displayname = ${$uid.$username}{'realname'}; } if ($enable_ubbc) { if (!$yyYaBBCloaded) { require "$sourcedir/YaBBC.pl"; } &DoUBBC; } &wrap2; if ($FORM{'previewmodify'} || $FORM{'postmodify'}) { $submittxt = "$post_txt{'10'}"; $is_preview = 1; $post = "postmodify"; $preview = "previewmodify"; $destination = 'modify2'; } elsif ($FORM{'previewim'} || $FORM{'imsend'}) { $submittxt = "$post_txt{'148'}"; $destination = "imsend2"; $is_preview = 1; $post = "imsend"; $preview = "previewim"; } else { $notification = !$enable_notification || $iamguest ? '' : <<"~;"; $post_txt{'131'}: $post_txt{'750'} ~; $destination = 'post2'; $submittxt = $post_txt{'105'}; $is_preview = 1; $post = "post"; $preview = "preview"; } if ($INFO{'action'} eq "imgroups") { $destination = "imgroups"; } $csubject = $sub; &LoadCensorList; $csubject = &Censor($csubject); $message = &Censor($message); &ToChars($csubject); &ToChars($message); require "$templatesdir/$usedisplay/Display.template"; $prevmain .= qq~


~; $message = $mess; &FromChars($message); &ToHTML($message); if ($error) { $csubject = $error; } $yytitle = "$post_txt{'507'} - $csubject"; $settofield = "message"; $postthread = 2; &MessageTotals("load", $threadid); &Postpage; &template; exit; } sub Post2 { if ($iamguest && $enable_guestposting == 0) { &fatal_error($post_txt{'165'}); } my ($email, $ns, $notify, @memberlist, $i, $realname, $membername, $testname, @reserve, @reservecfg, $matchword, $matchcase, $matchuser, $matchname, $namecheck, $reserved, $reservecheck, @messages, $mnum, $msub, $mname, $memail, $mdate, $musername, $micon, $mstate, $pageindex, $tempname); &BoardTotals("load", $currentboard); # If poster is a Guest then evaluate the legality of name and email if (!${$uid.$username}{'email'}) { $FORM{'name'} =~ s/\A\s+//; $FORM{'name'} =~ s/\s+\Z//; &Preview($post_txt{'75'}) unless ($FORM{'name'} ne '' && $FORM{'name'} ne '_' && $FORM{'name'} ne ' '); &Preview($post_txt{'568'}) if (length($FORM{'name'}) > 25); &Preview("$post_txt{'76'}") if ($FORM{'email'} eq ''); &Preview("$post_txt{'240'} $post_txt{'69'} $post_txt{'241'}") if ($FORM{'email'} !~ /[\w\-\.\+]+\@[\w\-\.\+]+\.(\w{2,4}$)/); &Preview("$post_txt{'500'}") if (($FORM{'email'} =~ /(@.*@)|(\.\.)|(@\.)|(\.@)|(^\.)|(\.$)/) || ($FORM{'email'} !~ /^.+@\[?(\w|[-.])+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}|[0-9]{1,4}\]?$/)); } # Get the form values $name = $FORM{'name'}; $email = $FORM{'email'}; $subject = $FORM{'subject'}; $message = $FORM{'message'}; $icon = $FORM{'icon'}; $ns = $FORM{'ns'}; $ann = $FORM{'ann'}; $threadid = $FORM{'threadid'}; $pollthread = $FORM{'pollthread'} || 0; if ($threadid =~ /\D/) { &fatal_error($post_txt{'337'}); } $notify = $FORM{'notify'}; $thestatus = $FORM{'topicstatus'}; $thestatus =~ s/\, //g; # Permission checks for posting. if (!$threadid) { # Check for ability to post new threads unless (&AccessCheck($currentboard, 1) eq "granted" || $pollthread) { &fatal_error("$post_txt{'803'}"); } } else { # Check for ability to reply to threads unless (&AccessCheck($currentboard, 2) eq "granted") { &fatal_error("$post_txt{'804'}"); } } if ($pollthread) { # Check for ability to post polls unless (&AccessCheck($currentboard, 3) eq "granted") { &fatal_error("$post_txt{'805'}"); } } if ($FORM{'file'}) { # Check for ability to post attachments unless (&AccessCheck($currentboard, 4) eq "granted") { &fatal_error("$post_txt{'806'}"); } } # End Permission Checks if ($name && $email) { &ToHTML($name); $email =~ s/\|//g; &ToHTML($email); $tempname = $name; $name =~ s/\_/ /g; } &Preview($post_txt{'75'}) unless ($username || $name); &Preview($post_txt{'76'}) unless (${$uid.$username}{'email'} || $email); if ($pollthread != 2) { # If user is NOT adding a Poll to an existing thread &Preview unless ($subject && $subject !~ m~\A[\s_.,]+\Z~); &Preview($post_txt{'78'}) unless ($message); # Check Message Length Precisely $mess_len = $message; $mess_len =~ s/[\r\n]//g; if (length($mess_len) > $MaxMessLen) { &Preview($post_txt{'536'} . " " . (length($mess_len) - $MaxMessLen) . " " . $post_txt{'537'}); } if ($FORM{'preview'}) { &Preview; } &spam_protection; my $testsub = $subject; $testsub =~ s/[\r\n\ ]//g; $testsub =~ s/\ //g; $testsub =~ s/ //g; if ($testsub eq "" && $pollthread != 2) { fatal_error("$maintxt{'2'} $testsub"); } my $testmessage = $message; $testmessage =~ s/[\r\n\ ]//g; $testmessage =~ s/\ //g; $testmessage =~ s~\[table\].*?\[tr\].*?\[td\]~~g; $testmessage =~ s~\[/td\].*?\[/tr\].*?\[/table\]~~g; $testmessage =~ s/\[.*?\]//g; if ($testmessage eq "" && $message ne "" && $pollthread != 2) { fatal_error("$maintxt{'2'} $testmessage"); } $subject =~ s/&/&/g; $subject =~ s/"/"/g; $subject =~ s/<//g; &FromChars($subject); $convertstr = $subject; $convertcut = 50; &CountChars; $subject = $convertstr; $subject =~ s/"/"/g; $subject =~ s//>/g; $subject =~ s/[\r\n]//g; $doadsubject = $subject; $message =~ s/\cM//g; $message =~ s~\[([^\]]{0,30})\n([^\]]{0,30})\]~\[$1$2\]~g; $message =~ s~\[/([^\]]{0,30})\n([^\]]{0,30})\]~\[/$1$2\]~g; $message =~ s~(\w+://[^<>\s\n\"\]\[]+)\n([^<>\s\n\"\]\[]+)~$1\n$2~g; &FromChars($message); &ToHTML($message); $message =~ s~\t~ \  \  \ ~g; $message =~ s~\n~
~g; $message =~ s/([\000-\x09\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x7f])/\x0d/g; &CheckIcon; if (-e ("$datadir/.txt")) { unlink("$datadir/.txt"); } } # end if if (!$iamguest) { # If not guest, get name and email. $name = ${$uid.$username}{'realname'}; $email = ${$uid.$username}{'email'}; } else { # If user is Guest, then make sure the chosen name # is not reserved or used by a member. fopen(FILE, "$memberdir/memberlist.txt") || &fatal_error("206 $post_txt{'106'}: $post_txt{'23'} $memberlist.txt", 1); @memberlist = ; fclose(FILE); &memparse(@memberlist); $name .= "(Guest)"; } my @poll_data; if ($pollthread) { $maxpq ||= 60; $maxpo ||= 50; $maxpc ||= 0; $numpolloptions ||= 8; $numcount = 0; $FORM{"question"} =~ s/\ / /g; $testspaces = $FORM{"question"}; $testspaces =~ s/[\r\n\ ]//g; $testspaces =~ s/\ //g; $testspaces =~ s~\[table\].*?\[tr\].*?\[td\]~~g; $testspaces =~ s~\[/td\].*?\[/tr\].*?\[/table\]~~g; $testspaces =~ s/\[.*?\]//g; if (length($testspaces) == 0 && length($FORM{"question"}) > 0) { fatal_error("$maintxt{'2'} $testmessage"); } $FORM{"question"} =~ s/&/&/g; $FORM{"question"} =~ s/"/"/g; $FORM{"question"} =~ s/<//g; &FromChars($FORM{"question"}); $convertstr = $FORM{"question"}; $convertcut = $maxpq; &CountChars; $FORM{"question"} = $convertstr; $FORM{"question"} =~ s/"/"/g; $FORM{"question"} =~ s//>/g; if ($cliped) { &Preview("$post_polltxt{'40'} $post_polltxt{'34a'} $maxpq $post_polltxt{'34b'} $post_polltxt{'36'}"); } &ToHTML($FORM{"question"}); $guest_vote = $FORM{'guest_vote'} || 0; $hide_results = $FORM{'hide_results'} || 0; $multi_choice = $FORM{'multi_choice'} || 0; $vote_limit = $FORM{'vote_limit'} || 0; if ($vote_limit =~ /\D/) { $vote_limit = 0; &Preview("$post_polltxt{'62'}"); } $poll_comment = $FORM{'poll_comment'} || ""; $poll_comment =~ s/&/&/g; $poll_comment =~ s/"/"/g; $poll_comment =~ s/<//g; &FromChars($poll_comment); $convertstr = $poll_comment; $convertcut = $maxpc; &CountChars; $poll_comment = $convertstr; $poll_comment =~ s/"/"/g; $poll_comment =~ s//>/g; if ($cliped) { &Preview("$post_polltxt{'57'} $post_polltxt{'34a'} $maxpc $post_polltxt{'34b'} $post_polltxt{'36'}"); } &ToHTML($poll_comment); $poll_comment =~ s~\n~
~g; $poll_comment =~ s~\r~~g; push @poll_data, qq~$FORM{"question"}|0|$username|$name|$email|$date|$guest_vote|$hide_results|$multi_choice|||$poll_comment|$vote_limit\n~; for ($i = 1; $i <= $numpolloptions; $i++) { if ($FORM{"option$i"}) { $FORM{"option$i"} =~ s/\ / /g; $testspaces = $FORM{"option$i"}; $testspaces =~ s/[\r\n\ ]//g; $testspaces =~ s/\ //g; $testspaces =~ s~\[table\].*?\[tr\].*?\[td\]~~g; $testspaces =~ s~\[/td\].*?\[/tr\].*?\[/table\]~~g; $testspaces =~ s/\[.*?\]//g; if (length($testspaces) == 0 && length($FORM{"option$i"}) > 0) { fatal_error("$maintxt{'2'} $testmessage"); } $FORM{"option$i"} =~ s/&/&/g; $FORM{"option$i"} =~ s/"/"/g; $FORM{"option$i"} =~ s/<//g; &FromChars($FORM{"option$i"}); $convertstr = $FORM{"option$i"}; $convertcut = $maxpo; &CountChars; $FORM{"option$i"} = $convertstr; $FORM{"option$i"} =~ s/"/"/g; $FORM{"option$i"} =~ s//>/g; if ($cliped) { &Preview("$post_polltxt{'7'} $i $post_polltxt{'34a'} $maxpo $post_polltxt{'34b'} $post_polltxt{'36'}"); } &ToHTML($FORM{"option$i"}); $numcount++; push @poll_data, qq~0|$FORM{"option$i"}\n~; } } unless ($FORM{"question"}) { &Preview("$post_polltxt{'37'}"); } if ($numcount < 2) { &Preview("$post_polltxt{'38'}"); } } } ################# # Multiple FA, Norfolklights.com ##################; my $query = new CGI; my @filelist = (); for ($y=1;$y<=$globalimagecount;++$y) { $file = $query->param("file$y"); if ($file ne "") { $OS = $^O; # operating system name if ($OS =~ /darwin/i) { $isUNIX = 1; } elsif ($OS =~ /win/i) { $isWIN = 1; } else { $isUNIX = 1; } $mylimit = 1024 * $limit; $mydirlimit = 1024 * $dirlimit; $fixfile = $file; $fixfile =~ s/.+\\([^\\]+)$|.+\/([^\/]+)$/$1/; $fixfile =~ s/[\(\)\$#%+,\/:?"<>'\*\;|@^!]//g; # edit in between [ ] to include characters you dont want #to allow in filenames (dont put a . there or you wont be able to get any file extensions). $fixfile =~ s/ /_/g; # replaces spaces in filenames with a "_" character. $fixfile =~ s/&//g; # replaces ampersands with nothing. $fixfile =~ s/\+//g; # replaces + with nothing $fixfile =~ s~[^/\\0-9A-Za-z#%+\,\-\ \.\:@^_]~~g; # Remove all inappropriate characters. # replace . with _ in the filename except for the extension $fixname = $fixfile; $fixname =~ s/(\S+)(\.\S+\Z)/$1/gi; $fixext = $2; $fixext =~ s/(pl|cgi|php)/_$1/gi; $fixname =~ s/\./\_/g; $fixfile = qq~$fixname$fixext~; if ($overwrite == 2 && (-e "$uploaddir/$fixfile")) { &fatal_error("$fatxt{'8'}"); } if (!$overwrite) { $fixfile = check_existence($uploaddir, $fixfile); } if ($checkext == 0) { $match = 1; } else { foreach $ext (@ext) { chomp($ext); if (grep /$ext$/i, $fixfile) { $match = 1; last; } } } if ($match) { if ($allowattach == 1 && (($allowguestattach == 0 && $username ne 'Guest') || $allowguestattach == 1)) { $upload_okay = 1; } } else { &Preview("

$fatxt{'20'} @ext ($fixfile)") } if ($mydirlimit > 0) { &dirstats; } $filesize = $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'} - $postsize; $filesizekb = int($filesize / 1024); if ($filesize > $mylimit && $mylimit != 0) { $filesizediff = $filesizekb - $limit; if ($filesizediff == 1) { $sizevar = "kilobyte"; } else { $sizevar = "kilobytes"; } &Preview("

$fatxt{'21'} $filesizediff $sizevar $fatxt{'21b'}") } elsif ($filesize > $spaceleft && $mydirlimit != 0) { $filesizediff = $filesizekb - $kbspaceleft; if ($filesizediff == 1) { $sizevar = "kilobyte"; } else { $sizevar = "kilobytes"; } &Preview("

$fatxt{'22'} $filesizediff $sizevar $fatxt{'22b'}"); } if ($upload_okay == 1) { # create a new file on the server using the formatted ( new instance ) filename $upload_filehandle = $query->upload("file$y"); open UPLOADFILE, ">$uploaddir/$fixfile"; binmode UPLOADFILE; while ( <$upload_filehandle> ) { print UPLOADFILE; } close UPLOADFILE; } # check if file has actually been uploaded, by checking the file has a size if (-s "$uploaddir/$fixfile") { $upload_ok = 1; } else { # delete every file that has been uploaded foreach (@filelist) { unlink("$uploaddir/$_"); } &fatal_error("$fatxt{'59'} $uploaddir/$fixfile"); } if ($fixfile =~ /(jpg|gif|png|jpeg)$/i) { $okatt = 1; if ($fixfile =~ /(gif)$/i) { fopen(ATTFILE, "$uploaddir/$fixfile"); read(ATTFILE, $header, 10); ($giftest, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef) = unpack("a3a3C4", $header); fclose(ATTFILE); if ($giftest ne "GIF") { $okatt = 0; } } fopen(ATTFILE, "$uploaddir/$fixfile"); while ( read(ATTFILE, $buffer, 1024) ) { if ($buffer =~ /\; truncate FILE, 0; seek FILE, 0, 0; print FILE qq~$newthreadid|$subject|$name|$email|$date|0|$username|$icon|$mstate\n~; print FILE @buffer; fclose(FILE); fopen(FILE, ">$datadir/$newthreadid.txt") || &write_error("$post_txt{'23'} $newthreadid.txt", 1); print FILE qq~$subject|$name|$email|$date|$username|$icon|0|$user_ip|$message|$ns|||$fixfile\n~; fclose(FILE); $mreplies = 0; if ($file) { fopen(AMP, ">>$vardir/attachments.txt") || &write_error("209 $txt{'106'}: $txt{'23'} $vardir/attachments.txt"); print AMP qq~$newthreadid|$mreplies|$subject|$name|$currentboard|$filesizekb|$date|$fixfile\n~; fclose(AMP); } if ($pollthread) { # Save Poll data for new thread fopen(POLL, ">$datadir/$newthreadid.poll"); print POLL @poll_data; fclose(POLL); } ## write the ctb file for the new thread ${$newthreadid}{'board'} = $currentboard; ${$newthreadid}{'replies'} = 0; ${$newthreadid}{'views'} = 0; ${$newthreadid}{'lastposter'} = $iamguest ? qq~Guest-$name~ : $username; ${$newthreadid}{'lastpostdate'} = "$newthreadid"; ${$newthreadid}{'threadstatus'} = "$mstate"; &MessageTotals("update", $newthreadid); if (-e "$boardsdir/$currentboard.mail") { &NewNotify($newthreadid, $subject); } } else { # This is an old thread. Save it. # first load the current ctb info on this existing thread. &MessageTotals("load", $threadid); # Check if thread has moved. And do necessary access check if ("${$threadid}{'board'}" ne "$currentboard") { unless (&AccessCheck(${$threadid}{'board'}, 2) eq "granted") { &fatal_error("$post_txt{'804'}"); } # Thread has moved, but we can still post # the current board is now the new board. $currentboard = ${$threadid}{'board'}; } if ($pollthread) { # Save new Poll data fopen(POLL, ">$datadir/$threadid.poll"); print POLL @poll_data; fclose(POLL); $yySetLocation = qq~$scripturl?num=$threadid~; &redirectexit; } else { # or save new reply data ($mnum, $msub, $mname, $memail, $mdate, $mreplies, $musername, $micon, $mstate) = split(/\|/, $yyThreadLine); $mreplies = ${$threadid}{'replies'}; if ($mstate =~ /l/i) { &fatal_error($post_txt{'90'}); } $mstate = "0$thestatus"; if ($currentboard eq $annboard && $mstate !~ /a/i) { $mstate = "0a"; } $mreplies++; fopen(BOARDFILE, "+<$boardsdir/$currentboard.txt", 1) || &write_error("211 $post_txt{'106'}: $post_txt{'23'} $currentboard.txt", 1); seek BOARDFILE, 0, 0; my @buffer = ; truncate BOARDFILE, 0; for ($i = 0; $i < @buffer; $i++) { if ($buffer[$i] =~ m~\A$mnum\|~o) { $buffer[$i] = ""; last; } } seek BOARDFILE, 0, 0; print BOARDFILE qq~$mnum|$msub|$mname|$memail|$date|$mreplies|$musername|$micon|$mstate\n~; print BOARDFILE @buffer; fclose(BOARDFILE); fopen(THREADFILE, ">>$datadir/$threadid.txt") || &write_error("212 $post_txt{'106'}: $post_txt{'23'} $threadid.txt", 1); print THREADFILE qq~$subject|$name|$email|$date|$username|$icon|0|$user_ip|$message|$ns|||$fixfile\n~; fclose(THREADFILE); if ($fixfile) { fopen(AMP, ">>$vardir/attachments.txt") || &write_error("209 $txt{'106'}: $txt{'23'} $vardir/attachments.txt"); print AMP qq~$mnum|$mreplies|$subject|$name|$currentboard|$filesizekb|$date|$fixfile\n~; fclose(AMP); } } # end poll else # update the ctb file for the existing thread with number of replies and lastposter ${$threadid}{'board'} = $currentboard; ${$threadid}{'replies'} = $mreplies; ${$threadid}{'lastposter'} = $iamguest ? qq~Guest-$name~ : $username; ${$threadid}{'lastpostdate'} = "$date"; ${$threadid}{'threadstatus'} = "$mstate"; &MessageTotals("update", $threadid); &ReplyNotify($threadid, $subject); } # end else if (!$iamguest) { # Increment post count and lastpost date for the member. # Check whether zeropost board if (!${$uid.$currentboard}{'zero'}) { ${$uid.$username}{'postcount'}++; &UserAccount($username, "update", "lastpost"); &UserAccount($username, "update", "lastonline"); if (${$uid.$username}{'position'}) { $grp_after = qq~${$uid.$username}{'position'}~; } else { foreach $postamount (sort { $b <=> $a } keys %Post) { if (${$uid.$username}{'postcount'} > $postamount) { ($title, undef) = split(/\|/, $Post{$postamount}, 2); $grp_after = $title; last; } } } &ManageMemberinfo("update", $username, '', '', $grp_after, ${$uid.$username}{'postcount'}); } else { &UserAccount($username, "update", "lastpost"); &UserAccount($username, "update", "lastonline"); } } # The thread ID, regardless of whether it's a new thread or not. $thread = $newthreadid || $threadid; # Let's figure out what page number to show $start = 0; $pageindex = int($mreplies / $maxmessagedisplay); $start = $pageindex * $maxmessagedisplay; # Mark thread as read for the member. &dumplog($currentboard, $date); &doaddition; if(!$iamguest) { &Recent_Write("incr", $thread, $username); } if ($notify && !$hasnotify) { $INFO{'thread'} = $thread; $INFO{'start'} = $start; &Notify2; } else { &ManageThreadNotify("delete", $thread, $username); } if ($currentboard eq $annboard) { $yySetLocation = qq~$scripturl?virboard=$currentboard;num=$thread/$start#$mreplies~; } else { $yySetLocation = qq~$scripturl?num=$thread/$start#$mreplies~; } $start = $mreplies; &redirectexit; } sub NewNotify { $actlang = $language; my $thisthread = $_[0]; my $thissubject = $_[1]; &ManageMemberinfo("load"); &ManageBoardNotify("load", $currentboard); while (($curuser, $value) = each(%theboard)) { ($curlang, $notify_type, $hasviewed) = split(/\|/, $value); if ($curuser ne $username) { if ($curlang ne $actlang) { $actlang = $curlang; if (-e "$langdir/$actlang/Notify.lng") { require "$langdir/$actlang/Notify.lng"; } else { require "$langdir/$lang/Notify.lng"; } } (undef, $curmail, undef, undef) = split(/\|/, $memberinf{$curuser}); &sendmail($curmail, "$notify_txt{'143'}\: $thissubject", "$notify_txt{'143'}, $thissubject, $notify_txt{'142'} $scripturl?num=$thisthread\n\n$notify_txt{'130'}"); } } undef %theboard; undef %memberinf; } sub ReplyNotify { $actlang = $language; my $thisthread = $_[0]; my $thissubject = $_[1]; my (%mailsent); $page = int($mreplies / $maxmessagedisplay) * $maxmessagedisplay; &ManageMemberinfo("load"); if (-e "$boardsdir/$currentboard.mail") { &ManageBoardNotify("load", $currentboard); while (($curuser, $value) = each(%theboard)) { ($curlang, $notify_type, $hasviewed) = split(/\|/, $value); if ($curuser ne $username && $notify_type == 2) { if ($curlang ne $actlang) { $actlang = $curlang; if (-e "$langdir/$actlang/Notify.lng") { require "$langdir/$actlang/Notify.lng"; } else { require "$langdir/$lang/Notify.lng"; } } (undef, $curmail, undef, undef) = split(/\|/, $memberinf{$curuser}); &sendmail($curmail, "$notify_txt{'127'}\: $thissubject", "$notify_txt{'128'}, $thissubject, $notify_txt{'142'} $scripturl?num=$thisthread\/$page\n\n$notify_txt{'130'}"); $mailsent{$curuser} = 1; } } undef %theboard; } if (-e "$datadir/$thisthread.mail") { &ManageThreadNotify("load", $thisthread); while (($curuser, $value) = each(%thethread)) { ($curlang, $notify_type, $hasviewed) = split(/\|/, $value); if ($curuser ne $username && !exists $mailsent{$curuser} && $hasviewed) { if ($curlang ne $actlang) { $actlang = $curlang; if (-e "$langdir/$actlang/Notify.lng") { require "$langdir/$actlang/Notify.lng"; } else { require "$langdir/$lang/Notify.lng"; } } (undef, $curmail, undef, undef) = split(/\|/, $memberinf{$curuser}); &sendmail($curmail, "$notify_txt{'127'}\: $thissubject", "$notify_txt{'128'}, $thissubject, $notify_txt{'129'} $scripturl?num=$thisthread\/$page\n\n$notify_txt{'131'}\n\n$notify_txt{'130'}"); $hasviewed = 0; $thethread{$curuser} = qq~$curlang|$notify_type|$hasviewed~; } } &ManageThreadNotify("save", $thisthread); } undef %memberinf; } sub doshowthread { my ($line, $trash, $tempname, $tempdate, $temppost); &LoadCensorList; if ("$INFO{'start'}") { $INFO{'start'} = "/$INFO{'start'}"; } if (@messages) { if (@messages <= $cutamount) { $cutamount = @messages; } $yymain .= qq~

~; if ($tsreverse == 1) { @messages = reverse(@messages); } if ($INFO{'showall'} ne '' || $cutamount eq "all") { $cutamount = 1000; } for ($amounter; $amounter ne $cutamount; $amounter++) { ($trash, $temprname, $trash, $tempdate, $tempname, $trash, $trash, $trash, $message, $ns) = split(/\|/, $messages[$amounter]); $messagedate = $tempdate; $tempdate = &timeformat($tempdate); $parseflash = 0; $message = &Censor($message); if ($tempname ne 'Guest' && -e ("$memberdir/$tempname.vars")) { &LoadUser($tempname); } if (${$uid.$tempname}{'regtime'}) { $registrationdate = ${$uid.$tempname}{'regtime'}; } else { $registrationdate = int(time); } if (${$uid.$tempname}{'regdate'} && $messagedate > $registrationdate) { $displaynamelink = qq~${$uid.$tempname}{'realname'}~; } elsif ($tempname !~ m~Guest~ && $messagedate < $registrationdate) { $displaynamelink = qq~$tempname - $display_txt{'470a'}~; } else { $displaynamelink = "$temprname"; } &wrap; $displayname = ${$uid.$tempname}{'realname'}; if ($enable_ubbc) { if (!$yyYaBBCloaded) { require "$sourcedir/YaBBC.pl"; } &DoUBBC; } &ToChars($message); &wrap2; unless ($message eq '') { $yymain .= qq~ ~; } } $yymain .= "
~; $showall = qq~$post_cutts{'3'}~; unless (@messages <= $cutamount) { $showall .= qq~ $post_cutts{'3a'} $post_cutts{'4'} $post_cutts{'5'} ~; } if ($INFO{'showall'} ne '' || $cutamount eq "all") { $origcutamount = $cutamount; $cutamount = 'all'; $showall = qq~$post_cutts{'3'} $post_cutts{'3a'} $post_cutts{'4'} $post_cutts{'6'} ~; } $yymain .= qq~ $post_txt{'468'} - $post_cutts{'2'} $cutamount $showall
$post_txt{'279'}: $displaynamelink $post_txt{'280'}: $tempdate
\n"; } else { $yymain .= ""; } } sub doaddition { ${$uid.$currentboard}{'messagecount'}++; unless ($FORM{'threadid'}) { ${$uid.$currentboard}{'threadcount'}++; ++$threadcount; } $myname = $iamguest ? qq~Guest-$name~ : $username; ${$uid.$currentboard}{'lastposttime'} = $date; ${$uid.$currentboard}{'lastposter'} = $myname; ${$uid.$currentboard}{'lastpostid'} = $thread; ${$uid.$currentboard}{'lastreply'} = $mreplies; ${$uid.$currentboard}{'lastsubject'} = $doadsubject; ${$uid.$currentboard}{'lasticon'} = $icon; &BoardTotals("update", $currentboard); } 1;